DINSTAR SBC Makes SF Express IP Telephony System More Secure and Reliable

  • Background
    SF is one of the largest integrated logistics service providers in China, the fourth largest express enterprise worldwide in terms of market capitalization. It empowers customers with leading technology and provides customers with smart and integrated supply chain solutions covering various industries and application scenarios. With the rapid development of business, enterprises also have a high demand for safe, stable and reliable communication networks. DINSTAR Session Border Controller, as a secure gateway for communication systems, realizes all these needs on high reliability and ease of use in a simple way.
  • Objectives & Challenges

    In the communication network, normal firewall cannot provide protection for the enterprise call center system, which exposes the system to huge risks such as service intrusion, eavesdropping, denial of service attacks, data interception, charging fraud, and SIP malformed packets. SF Express has a wide range of business, communication between different branches is faced with the complex and changeable network environment, multiple vendors of different PBXs and end users, which lead to the diversification of SIP protocols and voice codecs.Facing user demands, enterprise have higher requirements in call concurrency, business continuity, and traceability.
  • Solutions

    SF Express Client Service System (CSS) adopts active/standby mode by using 4 DINSTAR SBCs, which provide a secure and reliable communication network and support about 4000 concurrent calls.
    sbc solution for sf.png
  • Results&Benefits

    High Security
    DINSTAR SBC use security technologies such as topology hiding, preventing DoS attacks, TLS/SRTP encryption, and overload protection to hide the IP address of the enterprise call center, preventing direct network attacks and improving call security. SF Express Client Service System (CSS) is under full protection.
  • High Usability
    The high compatibility of SIP signaling, the transparent transmission and modification of the header field, make the connection between the terminal equipment and the gateway equipment of various manufacturers easy. The different branches all over China, and even agents working-from-home using WebRTC clients can communicate seamlessly.
  • High Reliability
    The active/standby mode adopted by the SBC can quickly switch to the standby SBC when the main SBC's network or equipment fail to work. The switching time reaches the millisecond level, which will not affect the normal business and subsequent business. This allows the system to have better reliability.
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