This instruction guide is aimed to help technical personnel analyze which channel is included in HTTP API log. Sometimes, the client reports USSD/SMS passing through wrong channel when USSD/SMS is sent through HTTP API. In those cases, it’s impossible to analyze the fault via HTTP package from the client and we need to check the logs from the UC2000 side. Since the HTTP API log does not indicate any channel information directly, we need to transform it into hexadecimal.
The channels 0-7 of the UC2000-VE side are inserted with SIM cards and registered OK. The IP address of the device is We will send HTTP requests to UC2000 and use one of the channels to send SMS.
Capture HTTP Log
1. Telnet of UC2000-VE
Run the application “Putty” and connect it to UC2000-VE through IP (make reference to the following setting). Default telnet port is 23:
If the connection fails, please click Tolls>>>>>Management page to check whether the Telnet option is enabled at the UC2000-VF side.
Reboot the device to make the configuration take effect.
2. Open monitor window ‘ADA’
Log in to telnet and input command “en”, then “^ada”. Press ‘Enter’ to enter into the ADA mode as follows:
Input the turnon 84 command to open the ECC:
Send the HTTP request
Send the SMS to UC2000-VF through HTTP API.
Analysis the log
1. Get the value of port information
Locate the “port_map” in the log, you will see the value. For example, current value is 6:
2. Run the Calculator
Change the Calculator to programmer mode and choose Hex.
3. Analyze the value
Input the above value 6 in calculator, you will see it switch to hexadecimal.
Hexadecimal has 32 digits to map to 32 channels of UC2000.
The Rule is from right to left mapping to UC2000 side channel 0-31.
Current UC2000-VF have 16 channels only, so we use first 16 digits.
In red mark, you can see the 2nd and 3rd digital value are 1 and the two digits are mapped to channel 1 and channel 2 of UC2000-VF side.
So the HTTP client sends SMS to channel 1 and channel 2.